Turtlee Organics Hikayesi / STORY OF TURTLEE ORGANICS

The Turtlee Organics Story / STORY OF TURTLEE ORGANICS

The turtle has been a sacred figure since ancient times. It represents our world and the cosmic order. It is believed that each foot of the tortoise, whose shell symbolizes the sky and the earth, represents an element and is the animal that keeps the world in balance. It is one of the rare animals that can remain without changing its genetics since prehistoric times. The figure of the snake wrapped around the turtle represents life, renewal and immortality. It has been used as a symbol of health since ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. It is believed to be healing and curative. The lotus flower placed inside the turtle is a symbol of creation, rebirth and power. The sun represents health, joy and continuity. In the light of this philosophy, Turtlee Organics promises an experience full of balance, continuity and health.


The turtle has been a sacred figure since ancient times. It represents mother earth and cosmic order. While it's shell represents the firmment, it's body symbolizes the terrestrial globe. It is believed that each foot of the turtle represents an element and the turtle is the animal that keeps the world in balance. It is one of the rare animals that can remain without changing its genetics since prehistoric times. The snake figure embracing the turtle represents life, renewal, and immortality. It has been used as a health symbol since ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. It is believed to be healing and curative. The lotus flower placed inside the turtle is a symbol of creation, rebirth, and power. The sun represents health, joy, and continuity. In the light of this philosophy, Turtlee Organics promises an experience full of balance, continuity, and health.

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